Monday, May 11, 2009

Strategy + Tactics of the Enemy

The enemy is organized.
The enemy uses its organization to destroy us and our plans to determine our own future. As a dedicated architect and liberation engineering it is important to study the forces of degradation and destruction which seek
to destroy any meaningful structure for self determination. Below are common strategies and tactics of the enemy forces.
Background and Definition of Strategy
Main Entry:
Greek stratēgia generalship, from stratēgos
1 a (1): the science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war (2): the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions b: a variety of or instance of the use of strategy 2a: a careful plan or method : a clever stratagem

of the Enemy

  • Demoralize the spirit of resistance and eliminate the desire for dignity
  • Create the illusion of absolute Power
  • Draw the righteous into a dog fight that they are ill prepared to win
  • Make them focus on the surface of things.
  • Distract them from long term thinking and planning
Background and Definition of Tactics
Main Entry:
New Latin tactica, plural, from Greek taktika, from neuter plural of taktikos of order, of tactics, fit for arranging, from tassein to arrange, place in battle formation
1 a: the science and art of disposing and maneuvering forces in combat b: the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end 2: a system or mode of procedure

Tactics of The Enemy:

  • Use overwhelming force where ever possible
  • Provide ample opportunity for "easy wins" and then fiercely use the law to punish those who take them
  • Watch them at all time, place cameras everywhere legally possible. Where the placement of surveillance is illegal pay someone to place them, operate them, and forward the information to you (preferably other minority to alleviate suspicion)
  • disrespect their humanity
  • refuse to honor their struggle
  • Never acknowledge their victories
  • Always display an aggressive posture (this may entice them to fight you on your terms which they are not prepared to win)
  • Give the appearance of rapid change-always appear to be rapidly changing
  • Create chaos

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