Thursday, June 25, 2009

Peace & Blessings to Michael Jackson The Black King

MJ so brightly displayed the raw and painful contradictions that many of us only secretly struggle with and so that's why we loved to act like we hated him.
I mean, we would say that we hated him, but the truth is every Black man and woman secretly wanted the fame, the attention, the validation and the recognition that Mike had, and we loved him for obtaining it.

We all needed to feel like we were cool, and maybe deep down inside each of us when we would see Mike carryin' on, we kinda feel sorry for ourselves. We know that even though it makes no sense, we are still destroying ourselves to be something else, some other. So in this sense Mike was the "scape goat", he took the hit. Mike allowed you to say "at least I ain't THAT bad!" For that alone we should thank him.
But Mike also helped us imagine what we young poor Black kids were capable of, the same way Jigga Jay-Z did much later. Mike gave them an excuse to call us Kings again. He proved to us that we ould conquer once again.
The Black woman, the black men are royal. Sometimes we act like it, and sometimes we fall victim.
Mike died in struggle, therefore let his death scream to us that the struggle to reclaim our strength, restore our dignity, and fulfill our destiny continues.

May God Bless his soul.

Rest In Peace MJ

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Solutions: Master These and U Win - Overlook Them and U Will Fail

This is the follow up to the May 11 post "strategies + tactics of the enemy"
The Way
The aim of the people and the aim of Leadership must be completely United so that both share death and life without fear.

The Weather
Proper attention must be given to the natural seasons as well as the non natural seasons, the seasons of earth and humans. Precipitation can come in the form of rain, snow, politics or economics. You must be aware and properly assess the weather in order to know when and how to move.

The Terrain
What is the lay of the land?
How far must you travel?
What is the difficulty or ease of available paths or options?
What are the dimensions/ calculations?
What is safety?

Is a matter of trustworthiness, humanness, intelligence, courage + sternness

Trust is making the people sure of punishment or reward.

Humanity is compassion, being aware of the toils of the people being lead.

Intellect is the ability to plan + know when to change effectively.

Courage seize opportunities to make certain of victory.

Sternness is to establish discipline and enforce the policies to the fullest


Is organization, regulated order
Communication protocol
Knowledge of the resources needed to build with a plan to secure them.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lessons I Learned from Our Brother Malcolm X

1. Respect time, respect the time

"In all our deeds, the proper value and respect for time determines success or failure." Malcolm X

Upon his release from prison in 1952 a wrist watch was one of the first items that Brother Malcolm acquired in an effort to honor, respect, and work with limited time.

2. Be Clear about who you are so that no one has the power or opportunity to define who you are

"I am neither a fanatic nor a dreamer. I am a black man who loves peace, and justice and loves his people." Malcolm X
"I'm the man you think you are... If you want to know what I'll do, figure out what you'll do. I'll do the same thing--only more of it." Malcolm X

3. Be Clear about the human rights struggle for Justice and Self Determination

"We declare our right on this be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intent to bring into existence by any means necessary." Malcolm X
"Our objective is complete freedom, justice, and equality by any means necessary." Malcolm X

4. Seek education that enables you to achieve victory

Of all our studies, history

5. Do not lie to the youth

6. Unify around Objectives, experiment with methods and tactics But demonstrate Unity by all means

7. Talk directly to the people that you seek to Unify with in a language that they can understand

8. Always be strategic in your communication and organization, do not fall victim to emotionalism

9. Honor our women, acknowledge their role and respect their divine & historical responsibility to build and maintain our nations

10. Take Action towards your Objectives with focus and precision, against all odds and by any means necessary!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Current Affairs: Black Buying Power Will Grow

Black Buying Power Grows While Individual Quality of Life Falls!

By Brittany Hutson NNPA Special Correspondent
Monday, May 11, 2009 9:31 AM CDT

WASHINGTON (NNPA) - Despite an economy represented by high
unemployment rates, a home foreclosure crisis and low consumer confidence, African-American buying power is projected to reach $1.2 trillion in 2013, according to a report conducted by the University of Georgia’s Selig Center for Economic Growth. [click to continue reading the article]

Buying Power is the total income of residents that is available after taxes, excluding borrowed or saved from previous years. Buying Power is not a measure of wealth.

The Gist

  • Black buying power is set to grow from 913 Billion in 2008 to 1.2 Trillion in 2013. Meaning we (as a community or collective purchasing unit) will be able to supply life blood to many economic entities, businesses, organizations and communities.
  • Black share of the US total buying power will rise to 8.8 percent due to community population growth and expansion of Black owned businesses.
  • Even with growth in "buying power" Black people will continue to bear the brunt of high unemployment, suffer increase in poverty and reduction in wages and income.
  • From 1990s-2007 though the US economy grew significantly Black communities did not share in that prosperity.
  • In that period Black unemployment rose, home ownership dropped, and poverty increased.
  • Income and wages decreased by over $400 per individual
  • Today the Black community has the ability to generate wealth & non Black communities are directly benefiting from this existing Black Power
Here's the Catch.
  • Black buying power is only useful for those who desire to use the collective trends and purchasing habits of the Black community as a whole.
  • Black people individually share little in the prosperity of the US economy but as a unit We are extremely valuable.
Key Quotes
"African-Americans are not aware of their collective buying power" "We need to recognize how much power we have and [we can use that ] to build wealth in our own community"
-Mark Morial, President&CEO of the National Urban League

Monday, May 11, 2009

Strategy + Tactics of the Enemy

The enemy is organized.
The enemy uses its organization to destroy us and our plans to determine our own future. As a dedicated architect and liberation engineering it is important to study the forces of degradation and destruction which seek
to destroy any meaningful structure for self determination. Below are common strategies and tactics of the enemy forces.
Background and Definition of Strategy
Main Entry:
Greek stratēgia generalship, from stratēgos
1 a (1): the science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war (2): the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions b: a variety of or instance of the use of strategy 2a: a careful plan or method : a clever stratagem

of the Enemy

  • Demoralize the spirit of resistance and eliminate the desire for dignity
  • Create the illusion of absolute Power
  • Draw the righteous into a dog fight that they are ill prepared to win
  • Make them focus on the surface of things.
  • Distract them from long term thinking and planning
Background and Definition of Tactics
Main Entry:
New Latin tactica, plural, from Greek taktika, from neuter plural of taktikos of order, of tactics, fit for arranging, from tassein to arrange, place in battle formation
1 a: the science and art of disposing and maneuvering forces in combat b: the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end 2: a system or mode of procedure

Tactics of The Enemy:

  • Use overwhelming force where ever possible
  • Provide ample opportunity for "easy wins" and then fiercely use the law to punish those who take them
  • Watch them at all time, place cameras everywhere legally possible. Where the placement of surveillance is illegal pay someone to place them, operate them, and forward the information to you (preferably other minority to alleviate suspicion)
  • disrespect their humanity
  • refuse to honor their struggle
  • Never acknowledge their victories
  • Always display an aggressive posture (this may entice them to fight you on your terms which they are not prepared to win)
  • Give the appearance of rapid change-always appear to be rapidly changing
  • Create chaos

Sunday, May 10, 2009

\ˈȯr-gə-ˌnīz\ Negroes should be more determined...

"This is the day of racial activity, when each and every group of this great human family must exercise its own initiative and influence in its own protection, therefore, Negroes should be more determined to-day than they have ever been, because the mighty forces of the world are operating against non-organized groups of peoples, who are not ambitious enough to protect their own interests"-The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey

Main Entry: or·ga·nize
Pronunciation: \ˈr-gə-ˌnīz\

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): or·ga·nized; or·ga·niz·ing

Date: 15th century
transitive verb
: to cause to develop an organic structure
: to form into a coherent unity or functioning whole : integrate organize her thoughts>
3 a: to set up an administrative structure for b: to persuade to associate in an organization ; especially : unionize
: to arrange by systematic planning and united effort

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Knowledge is Power


Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it!
Those few who dared to live and explore a new way to elevate the community left some real case studies for us . They exposed some forces that we might otherwise never know existed. Those brothers also raised the stakes for fallin' back, basically you fall back and we might not EVER get right. You fall back you might as well stay back because these brother showed you how them people feel about you and your ambitions for dignity, feeding your family, and movin' from the bottom to the top.

Disorganization is the ultimate enemy of a people on a quest to control their own lives. Malcolm X said "the Future exist for those who prepare for it today!" What type of preparations do we need to make? What role you prepared to play? What are our current needs? What institutions do we need to establish in order to secure our future? You workin' on that? If not, it's possible that you're an accomplice to the self destruction of a great nation.

Its Time to Build!

Power to the people @

Kingdom Come!

Greetings Brothers and Sisters

My name is Operation Resurrection 022165

My purpose is to bring about the Complete Unity and Self Determination of all African American people.

Today I call on all African American people and organizations to hence forth Unite by any means necessary and under all conditions so that the welfare and well being of all our people will be assured. We should resolve to reinforce the common bonds between our people and deliberately submerge our differences in order to build power. We should join ranks for the establishment of constructive programs that promote cooperative economics, community development, and general self determination.

It seems to me, from observing recent world events, the world that they have created is quickly disintegrating and at some time soon every one will be forced to choose a team or nation to struggle for and with. It is my belief that we the African American or Black people who continue to suffer grave injustices and disrespect should unify around our common experience for the purpose of building power within our community to determine our own futures.

In essence instead of running around and askin’ for hand outs we need to begin to build power among our selves through organization, business enterprise, and community work.

The future is there for those who prepare for it today. Brothers and Sisters, now is the time for us to prepare our future.

One Nation, One aim, One Destiny!

Once again my name is Operation Resurrection,

Be Healthy

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


We have enemies. And our enemies have waged consistent attacks on us at strategic periods in time when our organized resistance to their degradation, torture, and self destructive training was proving itself to be successful. From the beginning our enemies hated us due to their own ignorance; a fatal lack of knowledge of God and Human (aka Black) history. They were searching for a way out of their misery and they have never found it, in fact they trampled right over it in their own ambitious arrogance and self hate. They steal our dignity, destroy our communities, and try their best to denigrate us because they hate themselves. Our enemies openly display to us the kind of deep hatred that they secretly display to themselves and one another.
Watch the company you keep, because birds of a feather flock together.
Some of us have succumb to our enemies worldview and that is why we run into some of the same barriers in life and in the liberation struggle.
But today even our enemies are arrogantly begging us for the answers. EVEN OUR ENEMIES ARE BEGGING US TO STAND UP, TO DIG DEEP AND FIND THE STRENGTH TO LEAD THE WORLD and that's why NOW IS THE TIME!
Leadership requires vision. Vision requires discipline. Discipline come from consistency.
Victory requires strength and our strength is in our numbers, therefore we must Unite...