Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kingdom Come!

Greetings Brothers and Sisters

My name is Operation Resurrection 022165

My purpose is to bring about the Complete Unity and Self Determination of all African American people.

Today I call on all African American people and organizations to hence forth Unite by any means necessary and under all conditions so that the welfare and well being of all our people will be assured. We should resolve to reinforce the common bonds between our people and deliberately submerge our differences in order to build power. We should join ranks for the establishment of constructive programs that promote cooperative economics, community development, and general self determination.

It seems to me, from observing recent world events, the world that they have created is quickly disintegrating and at some time soon every one will be forced to choose a team or nation to struggle for and with. It is my belief that we the African American or Black people who continue to suffer grave injustices and disrespect should unify around our common experience for the purpose of building power within our community to determine our own futures.

In essence instead of running around and askin’ for hand outs we need to begin to build power among our selves through organization, business enterprise, and community work.

The future is there for those who prepare for it today. Brothers and Sisters, now is the time for us to prepare our future.

One Nation, One aim, One Destiny!

Once again my name is Operation Resurrection,

Be Healthy

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